
Etor (also known as "Eto" or "Oto") is a traditional Ghanaian dish made primarily from mashed yams or ripe plantains. Etor is a deeply cultural dish and is mostly served during special occasions like birthdays, weddings, naming ceremonies, festivals, and at sacred festivals.

Plantains and yams are excellent sources of fibre and are combined with palm oil and a variety of toppings e.g., avocados, boiled eggs, groundnut or green onions. Etor can be high in carbohydrate and fat, so it is important to have smaller portions. You can make some healthy adjustments to the meal whilst maintaining its flavour and authenticity. For example, reducing the amount of palm oil used, and choosing high fibre options e.g., avocados and green onions as garnish will further improve the nutrient profile of the meal.

Serves 4


  • 500g of yam or plantain

  • Pinch of salt

  • Pepper

  • Water to boil the yam/plantain

  • 1 teaspoon of red palm oil

  • 2 onions, finely chopped

  • 4 tablespoons groundnuts (peanuts or peanut paste)

  • 4 eggs, hard-boiled

  • 1 avocado, sliced

  • 1 stalk green onions, sliced


  1. Peel and chop the yam into smaller pieces. Wash the yam and boil in slightly salted water until cooked.

  2. Drain the yams and crush them using a potato masher.

  3. Add 4-5 sprays of the olive oil spray into a saucepan.

  4. Heat the palm oil in a pan over a medium heat. Once the oil is hot, add the onions and sauté, until they become soft and golden brown (caramelised).

  5. Pour about three-quarters of the sautéed onions along with the heated palm oil into the yam purée and mix together.

  6. Garnish with groundnuts (peanuts), the rest of the sauteed onions, green onions, eggs and sliced avocado.

Serve and enjoy!

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