Portion Control
Let’s face it, many of us are eating too much. Even eating too much of the so called ‘right things’ can be counterproductive.
When I speak to patients/ clients about portion control – especially Black Africans or Caribbeans; I am often asked “How will I remain full?” Fullness or satiety is an interesting phenomenon, we will come back to that.
If you are serious about improving your health by regulating your intake, it is likely you will need to begin with retraining your brain. Our thoughts will need to alter so that seeing a ‘smaller than usual portion’ becomes acceptable.
At Food for Purpose we also use positive confessions to support positive changes to eating habits and the way we live.
Romans 12 :2 reminds us to
“let God transform us into a new person by changing the way we think.”
There are lots of tips on changing plate size, measuring and timing of meals. Those are fab ; and we will touch on those.
But let’s begin with our thoughts…